We’re instinctively drawn to the heat, glow and crackle of fire that has served as a source of protection since the dawn of man. The cozy, smokeless flame of a Solo Stove makes us feel comfortable putting it all out there and opening up to those around you. 

Get Too Comfortable

Airbnb will integrate a new feature that specifically locates properties that have Solo Stoves. Dying to get something personal off your chest or desperately need to come clean about a family secret? Open Airbnb, select the Solo Stove filter and allow yourself to get a little too comfortable in your heated home away from home.

Burn After Writing

Five Minute Journal releases a journal whose pages are meant to set alight when some things still feel left unsaid. It comes with its own attached lighter so that when you feel the need to banter and burn, you’ll always be prepared with the right equipment.

AD: Kate Ichinose

CW: Emory Sittig